
DTFSA: 社員等個人情報の取扱いについて




1. 社員等個人情報の利用目的について


2. 個人情報の第三者提供について
(1) 当社は、上記1.に定める利用目的達成のため、ダイムラートラック社(ドイツ及び以下URLに記載されるダイムラートラックグループの関係会社を含む)及び自動車振興会健康保険組合に社員等個人情報を提供することがあります。
(2) 当社は、上記1.に定める利用目的の達成に必要な範囲内において、社員等個人情報の取扱いの全部又は一部を国内又は海外にある会社に委託することがあります。
(3) 当社は、上記(2)、下記3.に定める場合を除き、事前に本人から同意を得ることなく、社員等個人情報を第三者に提供しません。但し、人の生命、身体又は財産の保護に必要があり、本人の同意を得ることが困難なときなど、法令等に基づく場合には、社員等個人情報の第三者提供を行なうことがあります。

3. 個人情報の共同利用について

(2) 共同利用データ項目


4. 開示・訂正・利用停止等

5. 安全管理措置
①基本方針の策定、②個人データの取扱いに係る規律の整備、③組織的安全管理措置、④人的安全管理措置、⑤物理的安全管理措置、⑥技術的安全管理措置 、⑦外的環境の把握

6. 問い合わせ先
当社の社員等個人情報の取扱いに関するご意見、ご質問及び当該個人情報の開示・訂正・利用停止等の請求につきましては、ダイムラートラック・ファイナンシャルサービス・アジア株式会社 人事・総務担当にご連絡ください。

東京都港区六本木1-6-1 泉ガーデンタワー
ダイムラートラック・ファイナンシャルサービス・アジア株式会社 人事・総務

制定 2021年12月1日
改訂 2023年11月17日



Handling of Personal Information of Employees


Daimler Truck Financial Service Asia Co., Ltd.


We, Daimler Truck Financial Service Asia Co., Ltd (hereinafter: the Company), will obtain and handle personal information of our executives and employees (full time employees, seconded employees, contracted employees and temporary staffs) in addition to candidates of our employees in the past/future and retired employees (hereinafter: Employees’ Personal Information) as below.

1. Purpose of use of Employee’s Personal Information
• We shall use Employees’ Personal Information within the scope of purposes of use set in ‘1’ to ‘6’ below within the range of necessity to conduct business.
1. To implement business communication, business management, facility management and so forth
2. To plan and implement employment, job assignment, competency development, personnel evaluation, commendation/disciplinary action, work management, other human resources related management items
3. For salary payment/bonus payment, the welfare program, accounting, security and health care programs and so forth
4. To plan and implement tax/social insurance administration and so forth
5. To plan and implement internal/external audit
6. Planning and implementation of internal and external public relations activities in Japan (including posting pictures and videos on social intranets, etc.)
7. To provide Employee’s Personal Information to the joint user to achieve the purpose of use prescribed in the above listed items
• If the company clearly specifies an additional purpose of use for the Employees´ Personal Information different to the purposes stated above, the company may use the Employees´ Personal Information within the scope of the newly stated purpose of use.

2. Provision of Personal Information to a Third Party
(1) The company will provide Employees’ Personal Information to Daimler Truck AG (in Germany and affiliated companies listed in the URL below) as well as to the Jidosha Shinkokai Health Insurance Association in order to achieve the purpose mentioned above in 1.
(2) The company will provide Employees´ Personal Information to national or foreign companies in order to achieve the purpose mentioned above in 1.
(3) Except for what is mentioned in (2) above and 3. as well as 4. below, the Company shall not provide Employees’ Personal Information to third parties. However, in cases where it is based on laws and regulations, such as when it is necessary to protect human life, body or property, Employees’ Personal Information may be provided to a third party.

3. Joint Use of Personal Information

The Company – being the party responsible for management of Personal Information – may jointly use the Employees’ Personal Information with the joint users set out below:

(1) Purpose of Joint Use
1. The purpose of Joint Use is prescribed in 1. above.
(2) Data items for joint use
The company collects and stores the Employees’ Personal Information details listed below for purposes of Joint Use with joint users.
2. Basic information: name, employee number, address, position, title and so forth
3. Family members: name, marital status and so forth
4. Personnel affairs: qualifications, evaluation, transfers, educational background, job history and so forth
5. Salary: basic salary, allowances, retirement allowance, corporate pension, personnel expenses and so forth
6. Welfare program: status of utilization and so forth
7. Profile shots of employees
8. Other personal information of the employee acquired and retained for human resources and management

(3) Extent of the Joint User
Mitsubishi Fuso Truck and Bus Corp.

4. Disclosure, Correction, Cease of Usage
The company will correspond to requests for the disclosure, correction or cease of usage of Employees’ Personal Information in accordance with the active law.

5. Security Control Measures
In order to prevent the loss, falsification, leakage, etc. of personal information of employees, etc., the Company will take security control measures based on the following perspectives. For specific measures taken by the Company, please contact the following contact information.
(1) Formulation of basic policy, (2) Establishment of discipline related to the handling of personal data, (3) Organizational security control measures, (4) Human security control measures, (5) Physical security control measures, (6) Technical security control measures, (7) External environment grasp

6. Inquiries
Please contact the Human Resources department to request the disclosure, correction, or cease of usage of Employees’ Personal Information, or for opinions and questions regarding the company’s handling of Employees’ Personal Information.

Human Resources, Daimler Truck Financial Service Asia Co., Ltd.
Izumi Garden Tower 28th floor, Minato-ku, Roppongi 1-6-1
Tokyo 106-6028

Established on December 1, 2021
Revised on November 17, 2023